Hi, I'm Mark, I have over 20 years experience of wheeling and dealing at Car Boot Sales. I started in 2013 which is an online virtual car boot sale, ideal for when you can't get out to the real thing or simply can't get out of bed! Of course there's no substitute for the real thing and whether you're a Buyer, Seller or Both.. This Blog will give you a headstart on getting it right when you Go Booting !
Firstly and most importantly, make sure you ask around and find the best car boot venue for you.. There's indoor and outdoor, some have a bit of both. It's not all about which is the biggest or busiest one as that can sometimes be a negative. Imagine standing as a Seller with your bargain priced Xbox for sale. If the sale is so big, you can bet that there's an Xbox or two on every single aisle and somewhere there will be a cheaper one or it will have more bundled accessories. Choose a sale that's not too big, yet attracts the crowds. Visit to find a car boot sale near you.
Before you go, always keep a check on the weather, especially if you're going to sell. Some organisers will charge you at the gate which means once you've paid and then it tips down.. You're done for!
If you are going as a buyer, a lot of organisers will let you get in early for a higher admission price. In which case it's sometimes best to go as a Seller which may be around the same price. Remember, the earlier you get in to a car boot sale, the more chance you have of bagging the bargains. If a car boot had been running for even just an hour.. I myself wasn't interested.
Try to keep what you're selling as varied as possible and aim to have an item of intrinsic value to draw in the crowds. Cheaper items are best put in to 50p boxes under the table etc. Clothes should be ironed and if you have a portable clothes rail, you will achieve better prices. Taking along carrier bags and a float will save you so much heartache and ensure that you don't have to turn your back on the public as you hunt about for change or a spare box.. Remember, thieves exist at car boot sales !
Pack your car well, leaving the paste table till last so you can get it out first !!
Make sure you pack some sandwiches and a flask of coffee. You might not be hungry when you set off but standing in a field for 6 hours can give you an appetite and those onsite burger vans aren't cheap.
Don't arrive too early OR too late as you will get put in a poorly positioned spot which doesn't enjoy a busy footfall.
DO NOT reduce your prices before the public get in! Be aware that the people walking round as you are setting up are usually other Sellers who are looking for picking up under priced items to sell on their stall or online.
I always recommend putting price labels on items as some people are too shy to ask. Negotiate carefully and don't be silly.. If you want £3 for a foot spa, price it up at £4 and come down. If however, you have an item priced up at £10 and you're not entirely sure what it's worth.. If many people repeatedly enquire about it, try increasing the price on the next ask, It's also worth noting that if you were selling an Xbox for £10 and others are selling them for £30.. People may assume yours is faulty and not bother.
If you have the time, and a helper, have a look round the car boot yourself.. You might just see something you can sell for more on your own stall.
If you have the time, and a helper, have a look round the car boot yourself.. You might just see something you can sell for more on your own stall.
Towards the end of the sale, if your intention is to get rid of as much as possible, it is always worth setting up a 50p table for example and shout out "Everything on this table 50p!"
Keep your takings in a safe place and don't blow them all in McDonald's on the way home! Treat yourself with your hard earned money or pay off a bill.
As I've already mention, if you want the bargains make sure you get in early. A lot of car boot sales will allow you to get in early as the Sellers are setting up for a few extra quid. For example, a local sale I used to visit regularly would charge: £8 Sellers (10am), 80p Buyers (From 11am), £5 Early Buyers (From 10am). It is usually well worth getting in early if you want first digs.
As you walk round, remember to check under tables and behind the stall. A cheeky peek in a Sellers car is always a good idea if they are still setting up, but don't be too cheeky !
There's various techniques and speeds when bargain hunting. I always prefer to whizz round a few times as the Sellers are setting up, after which I will then take a leisurely stroll round whilst rummaging through boxes and checking the going rate for items online. This brings me to my next tip..
Always make sure your phone is charged and check out what price items go for on Ebay. However, before buying, consider Ebay's fees and postage costs etc. If you are buying to sell back online, there are other solutions than just Ebay.. Our site is unique in that it displays full stalls in front of buyers. It is also a browsing site rather than a site where you would simply key in what you are looking for. Therefore, it's worth picking up items that simply look good or are in excellent condition to put on your virtual stall at Online Car Booty.
The most important aspect of buying from any car boot sale is of course.. Haggling! Always try to knock the Seller down on price unless of course it's only 50p or a £1. As a rule of thumb, try working on a 70% offer.. EG: An item is for sale for £10. Ask if they will take £7.. Usually they will say yes or maybe ask for £8. Fair enough you could be cheeky but sometimes it's not worth upsetting the Seller incase you get their back up. It also leads to a fair and happy sale keeping your reputation in tact!
Ok, Electrical goods.. Be very careful here and if you buy any, take extra precautions when powering them up. Some indoor car boot sales may have usable power points to test items. You can also try asking someone with a generator if they would check it for you. I invested in an 'inverter' which plugs in to your car cigarette lighter and gives you a 3 pin socket to plug electricals in to. My golden nugget of advice though, is to ask the Seller if it works and if you hear these words.. "As far as I know" Then it DOESN'T work!! Also, If an electrical item is seriously under priced then ask yourself why? However, you can take calculated gambles for instance, if an Xbox was £15 and came with 5 games and a controller.. Work out how much these accessories are worth as you could make your money back on those alone if the actual console it faulty.
Don't forget to try our Online Car Boot Sale...

Before you get to the car boot, already have in your head an idea of what you're looking for and you will subconsciously be tuned in to hunt these items out.As I've already mention, if you want the bargains make sure you get in early. A lot of car boot sales will allow you to get in early as the Sellers are setting up for a few extra quid. For example, a local sale I used to visit regularly would charge: £8 Sellers (10am), 80p Buyers (From 11am), £5 Early Buyers (From 10am). It is usually well worth getting in early if you want first digs.
As you walk round, remember to check under tables and behind the stall. A cheeky peek in a Sellers car is always a good idea if they are still setting up, but don't be too cheeky !
There's various techniques and speeds when bargain hunting. I always prefer to whizz round a few times as the Sellers are setting up, after which I will then take a leisurely stroll round whilst rummaging through boxes and checking the going rate for items online. This brings me to my next tip..
Always make sure your phone is charged and check out what price items go for on Ebay. However, before buying, consider Ebay's fees and postage costs etc. If you are buying to sell back online, there are other solutions than just Ebay.. Our site is unique in that it displays full stalls in front of buyers. It is also a browsing site rather than a site where you would simply key in what you are looking for. Therefore, it's worth picking up items that simply look good or are in excellent condition to put on your virtual stall at Online Car Booty.
The most important aspect of buying from any car boot sale is of course.. Haggling! Always try to knock the Seller down on price unless of course it's only 50p or a £1. As a rule of thumb, try working on a 70% offer.. EG: An item is for sale for £10. Ask if they will take £7.. Usually they will say yes or maybe ask for £8. Fair enough you could be cheeky but sometimes it's not worth upsetting the Seller incase you get their back up. It also leads to a fair and happy sale keeping your reputation in tact!
Ok, Electrical goods.. Be very careful here and if you buy any, take extra precautions when powering them up. Some indoor car boot sales may have usable power points to test items. You can also try asking someone with a generator if they would check it for you. I invested in an 'inverter' which plugs in to your car cigarette lighter and gives you a 3 pin socket to plug electricals in to. My golden nugget of advice though, is to ask the Seller if it works and if you hear these words.. "As far as I know" Then it DOESN'T work!! Also, If an electrical item is seriously under priced then ask yourself why? However, you can take calculated gambles for instance, if an Xbox was £15 and came with 5 games and a controller.. Work out how much these accessories are worth as you could make your money back on those alone if the actual console it faulty.
Don't forget to try our Online Car Boot Sale...

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